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Creation date: 2002 Image size: 1600x1200 File size: 0.93 MB
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Description: Capsules is a simple example of radiosity use to obtain a photorealist render in early 2000 (with no after effects). In the past it was very costly in term of computer resources to produce quality renderings, so we were limited at what we could show. Usually artists were offsetting these limitations by using a lot of Photoshop for after effects. The three most important criterias for a pure photorealistic rendering are all related to light: radiosity, high-quality reflections (or refractions) and soft shadows. It was obvious since the start of 3D renderings that the light algorithms (like the very old ray tracing) was the main variable. Efforts have been made recently in this direction with NVIDIA pushing ray tracing for its latest GeForce RTX graphics cards. Overall, the quality of the 3D models was not really a priority. When computational power was not enough for achieving direct realistic rendering, the 3D artists were using a lot of simulations and tricks at how the scenes were crafted to achieve the needed realism. For example, radiosity has long been simulated in video games with specific textures applied on the edge of 3D models, and even animation films, or another method was to add non-natural lights to the scene. Later, HDR (which is again a light processing method), then the refinement of 3D models and textures due to the growing processing computational power has permitted to achieve total photorealistic results in films and video games. Also we can notice some depth-of-field on the image, which greatly enhances the image’s realism, but it’s an external factor (the viewer point of view). The radiosity can be seen just under each capsule: the precise soft, tiny shadow is a natural render of the light (not the casted ones). The end result is that we really believe the capsules are laying down on the floor.
Capsules (1600x1200)
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