PovRay Visions (remastered version 3)
Creation date: 2002
Image size: 3000x2250
File size: 4.73 MB
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Description: PovRay Visions is an image dedicated to the Persistence Of Vision raytracer. Although it has not been rendered using Pov Ray (that’s why it’s weak on a photorealistic point), the image wanted to convey the attraction that Pov Ray was generating. Pov Ray was (and is still) a very old raytracing program (1994) and was capable of spectacular photorealistic results, even with old hardware, as it was using raytracing, which is the most accurate way of generating 3D photorealistic results. At the start, Pov Ray scenes were described in text files via a specific language, so we were limited to cones, spheres and other primitive models, before we could introduce more complex meshes. It was so amazing to generate 3D images of primitives on very old DOS computers. This is what this image means. This is a remastered version of the original source image.