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A Particular Encounter

Creation date: 2002 Image size: 4000x3000 File size: 6.25 MB
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Description: I envisioned this particular scene while coming back to my own home on the highway one late night. Wouldn’t it be cool to live an event like that? You’re coming back to your home, alone on the highway, in the middle of the night, and then a magnificent, majestic alien aircraft just come across you, with a speed you never have seen, with no sound emitted, just the sound of the air, moving like nothing you could match in your brain, with such grace, and reflecting all its surrounding environment, with no door, no reactor to be found on this giant piece of amazing material… What will happen to you? Will you run away? Will you stay there, like the character on the image, waiting for your own destiny? Would you want to know?
A Particular Encounter (4000x3000)
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